Wednesday 28 January 2009

The wonderful NHS!

I have been waiting for my next appointment date, which should be 5th February, to arrive in the post and today the usual letter with NHS postmark arrived. Excellent, so I open it up to find that my next appointment is.........22nd April!!!!!

There is obviously some mistake so I phone the number in the letter and sit in the queue for half hour. A very nice lady answers and I tell her what has happened but she informs me that she cant do anything and I need to phone another number. 2 1/2 hours of ringing this number every 15 mins and eventually I get an answer but its the wrong department! She transfers me to Mr De Cock's secretary who again is very nice and says she will speak to the department I had spoken to 3 hours ago and get it sorted. I still don't know my appointment time or date but I am past caring today.

Apart from that the eye is good just dry and a bit annoying still and the sight is fuzzy but I do think it is improving slightly. I am going to go and meet Tim in the pub when he finishes work as to top off my day I also have a man outside my home with a pneumatic drill that hasn't stopped since 9am! Argh!!!!!


  1. Sounds like you've had a fab day then!!! I've had the drills outside today too, the councils probably want to spend as much money as they can before it all disappears into some icelandic bank. I'm lucky enough to have private insurance through work so I had my eye done privately. They are starting to question how long they are going to be paying though so might have to transfer to NHS. It always makes me chuckle when I see your consultants name - Mr De Cock HAHAHA Genious!!! HAHAHA

  2. Hehehe! I know what you mean it does bring a smile to my face! Unfortuantly as I have had KC and needed graft since 15 it is not covered under insurance but when I looked into going private and paying the only hospital in this area was Margate which has not got best rep and is nearly an hour drive so NHS in a better hospital and same consultant was best option. I was paying £150 per consultation so does get a bit much after a while so you may be wise to change to NHS if needed. Ours is a new housing development and have realised they havent laid enough drainage!

  3. lol @ Mr De Cock!

    God I hate it when people give you the run around on the phone, 9 times out of 10 you end up back where you started which is where they should have sorted your inquiry in the first place!

    I've never thought about going private, wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway. Lucy did you notice much difference in the manner you were treated when you were private vs nhs? Longer and more indepth consultation or anything?

    Keep up with the recovery.

  4. It is different when you are private as the patient list is so much smaller. You get longer consultations and an all round nicer experience. I was quoted £4000 just for Op without post Op appointments and if it goes wrong or you need further treatment you have to continue to pay private. The cost was going to get out of control but I am happy with going NHS so far, only been administration hiccups really!
