Saturday 17 January 2009

The Big Day

Thursday 8th January 2009-I Woke up at 6.00 and I feel OK, in fact I feel very calm. I have a herbal tea and phone my brother as it's about 10.00 in Dubai. He tells me he hasn't slept and is feeling stressed so I do my best to let him know I'm OK and not to worry.
Tim and I get to the Ophthalmology Suite at Kent and Canterbury Hospital about 7.45 and my mum is there waiting for us. As soon as I get in the nurse admits me, taking my blood pressure etc and asking the usual health questions. The registrar also sees me and puts a nice blue arrow on my head. I then speak to the anaesthetist and consultant By this time its about 9.00 and I have to say I am still feeling fine, I am 2nd on the list of two grafts and the lady before me is having a Descemets stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK), which is the removal of top layer of the cornea and she is under a local. Mine is a Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) which leaves the very bottom layer of cornea and is done under a general.
The hours go by and the waiting room fills with more and more OAPs. There is something about the Ophthalmology Dept and the over 60s! They are all coming in for there pre-op assessments before their cataracts are replaced and all look over at me with my blue arrow on my head and quite clearly are not impressed that we get to sit on the comfy recliner seats on the other side of the waiting room. Bless them!
The student nurse comes towards me and I go into the anesthetic room at 11.30, get wired up and have some gas and air. It is 11.45 when I close my eyes........

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