Sunday 25 January 2009

Slow progress!

Have not updated the last couple of days as no change really apart from the fact that I am seeing stars from the grafted eye all the time and from looking at Internet this can be because of heightened pressure so am going to see my GP tomorrow to get it checked out. The drops I am using can cause this and could lead to glaucoma so think I should.

I have managed to wash my hair in shower (thanks Johnny!) and apart from that have had a very dull weekend. My best friend came to visit for the afternoon today though and cheered me up no end with her stories. I am also having really bad sleep but I am sure it is because a) the eye is really itchy and annoying at night and b) I am not doing much apart from my hour walk each day.

I will see what my doc has to say tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Hi. In 2001 I had a corneal transplant and have written about it in my blog. I've also created a social networking site for those who have had a corneal transplant or will be having one. If you are interested the link is:
    Wishing you great sucess with your corneal transplant!
