Monday 26 January 2009

My Massive Pupil

My left eye is looking very dilated. Have just come back from the Doctors and he has checked my retina and pressure and all is normal but he thinks I might be overdoing things so I am under orders to take it very easy still. I am allowed to see Occ Health at work tomorrow but if I am not happy he will sign me off work for another week. I think I shall just take it as it comes. This photo makes my nose look huge! It is NOT that big normally, it just my wonderful self photography!
I walked to my surgery (about half hour) and felt what can only be described as motion sick. I was nauseous and dizzy. Spoke to Doc about it and he says it is quite normal after graft and to take it slowly when walking. It was a horrible feeling though so took the walk home much slower.


  1. Hey Lucy. I feel like that whenever I go anywhere for long. THink its because your brain cannot figure out the images coming into your grafted eye as it is so used to not using that eye. Its a horrible feeling. Good news about the pressure though.

  2. Hi Lucy, your blog is helping me tremendously, I feel prepared for my graft this Thursday, couldn't have said that a week ago! It's good to know what your in for before hand. Glad your eye pressure wasn't an issue. I'm not one to just sit around and will probably end up over doing things aswell. Good luck with the rest of your recovery :)

  3. Johnny-Yep it is a perception and balance thing and is getting really annoying! I dont drive (due to not legally being able too) so depend on walking but I am sure it'll get easier.
    Red-eye - Glad it's helping :) I found that knowing others that are going through the same is really helpful. The more informed you are before the better you feel about the whole experience

  4. Have you got individual stitches or continuous?

  5. Individual stitches 16 of them. It feels like they are massive!
