Wednesday 21 January 2009

I can see fingers!

Tim woke me as usual with a coffee (best hubby in the World) and I took off my eye shield as normal and he looked the most in focus I have ever seen him! He was able to hold his fingers at arms length and I could see them. It is very fuzzy still but better than before the Op so I hope this is the start of my eyesight improving.

With my massive glasses on I have just come back from walking into town (about an hour) and feel good but tired. I am normally quite active but not doing anything for two weeks certainly lowers your fitness levels.

My eye is still a bit sore and watery from the other day so am keeping my eye closed a lot and am taking it easy and catching up with LOST ready for Sunday's new series.


  1. Hi Lucy

    Any chance of getting some photos of your eye on the blog. Would be good to compare our grafts.

  2. I will have a go at taking some tonight. I dont know how you are taking photos at the mo, my eye was FAR too sore. You must be much harder than me he he :)
