Tuesday 27 January 2009

Reality Check from Occupational Health

I have just got back from my meeting with the Occupational Health Nurse at work and after a lengthy conversation she has said I am not allowed back to work for another two weeks :(

I am gutted but can see her point as I arrived at work feeling really sick from the bus journey, I was squinting the whole time because my eye is so photosensitive, and basically shouldn't have been there! Her view is that I need to take it easy for another couple of weeks and then she will have a review with me. So I am again sitting watching daytime TV and going slowly mad :)

It is so sunny today I have lived in my dark glasses and again have worn them around Morrisons! The eye is uncomfortable and has been painful today but is easing now I am at home with the curtains drawn. Hopefully my brother may fly back from Dubai next week so at least I will have some company for a few days!

I might dig out my Learn French Cd's and give that a go!

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