Sunday 18 January 2009

Recovery- Day 4

Monday 12th January- I have an appointment with my GP this morning who also specialies in eyes and has been very supportive over the years so I am looking forward to him seeing it.

Dr Ellis was lovely. He let Tim have a look through the slit lamp and spent time explaining how the eye is and that it is swollen but no sign of infection and that my consultant has done a neat and tidy job. It has put my mind at rest seeing him and he has also signed me off work for a couple of weeks. I am under orders of lots of rest and no lifting, bending down, no housework, no exercise or swimming, so not alot really.

I go to the supermarket across the road with Tim in the afternoon to get a couple of things but I should have stayed at home as I feel quite ill in there and a bit of an idiot with sunglasses on inside.

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