Sunday 18 January 2009

Recovery- Day 9

Saturday 17th January- Feeling much more positive today. I have decided I want to go back to work ASAP, even if I only go back part time to begin with. I need some fresh air and it is a sunny day so we go into town. I last one shop and I need to turn back and get back home but just getting out for and hour or so was good so I am going to try and go for a walk everyday now.

I am now able to sleep on my bad eye (with the shield on) which is good apart from the ring mark the next morning! The drops are much easier to put in than a week ago and I am much less photosensitive, we can even have the curtains open as long as the sun isnt too bright. I can still feel my stitches when I open and close my eye but it doesnt bother me too much.

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