Sunday 18 January 2009

Recovery- Day 8

Friday 16th January- Up at 6am (far too early when you've been getting up at 10am each day) for appointment with consultant Mr De Cock this morning. This will be the first time he has seen it since the Op and it is amazing that in just over a week all the red eye has pretty much gone.

All is good so far. He does an eyesight check and I can see his fingers when he holds them and he doesn't seem too concerned at this stage that there is not an improvement from before. He takes some photos and tries to do a pressure test but I flinch and he is not the most patient of men and gives up after two attempts. He says that there are no signs of leakage which is the most important thing and I am to carry on using drop four times a day until my next appointment in 3 weeks.

I believe a mixture of my consultant being abrupt and me feeling sorry for myself led to me bursting into floods of tears whilst on the phone to my brother and wishing I hadn't had the operation done. Today has not been a good day. I want to get back to work, my eye is irritating me constantly and I am suffering severely with cabin fever. Sorry Ben for having to deal with a blubbering sister :(

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