Sunday 18 January 2009

Recovery- Day 1

Friday 9th January- Sleep was not too bad only woke up a couple of times in the night. Today is the day I can take off my padding and eye shield and see what my new cornea looks like. I cant open my eye, I think it has crusted over in the night (lovely!) but Tim is prepared with sterilised water and cotton wool pads and a cup of tea.
Taking it nice and slowly we remove the padding and start cleaning my tender and bruised eye. I try opening and well, everything is just as blurred as before. I am a bit disappointed as you always hope that the bandage comes off and you can see perfectly but I remember its only day one. I start my drops today Maxitrol (a combination of 2 antibiotics and an anti-inflamatory) and when you can barely open your eye this is not easy. I am in a darkened bathroom with a small natural light coming through but I manage to get the drops in throughout the day. I spend most of the day sleeping and feeling sorry for myself :( I was going to take a photo but cant open my eye to do it. It just looks bloodshot and very watery.

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