Saturday 7 February 2009

Eye still uncomfortable

It is two days since my bandage lens removal and it is still uncomfortable! I think I will see if I can get some celluvisc (lubricating drops) on Monday from my GP. Last night in bed, after a few glasses of vino, I had a thought about how weird it is that I have a second-hand cornea and that it has belonged to someone else before and how amazing really that it can be done. Tim said I was freaking him out so I went to sleep but thinking today it is quite amazing really so I am going to have a small plea to people to sign up to the organ donation register. I have added the link on the right hand side of this page!

Tim thinks he can see the stitches now the lens is out so is going to try and take some photos tomorrow. If they are any good I will post them here.


  1. I joined the donor register. they can have everything but my corneas. That would be 3rd hand.....
    You two should watch the film: The Eye.

  2. The celluvisc is awesome. Definatley get some.

  3. Have celluvisc now! Yay much better!
