Thursday 12 February 2009

5 weeks on

Well, it is 5 weeks since my operation and I am back at work part-time mornings. I went back yesterday and felt pretty dreadful all morning but today has been better. I am absolutely shattered! The eye is not too bad but I am having to use Celluvisc a lot to stop it from drying out.

I went to the opticians for a check up on my 'good' right eye yesterday and my sight has got worse and the prescription has changed since my last visit. I am going to try a new contact lens which arrives on Saturday and it is hopefully going to help. I had a feeling my sight had got worse and it has gradually been deteriorating over the last couple of years.


  1. Hi Lucy

    Is it kerataconus in your right eye too. Have you spoke to your consultant about getting it cross linked to stop it progressing. That is hopefully what I will be doing once my grafted eye is sorted

  2. Yes KC in right :( I am going to mention vision decrease when I see him next and I have thought about cross-linking so will ask.

    As with you, want to get grafted one sorted first!
