Thursday 12 February 2009

5 weeks on

Well, it is 5 weeks since my operation and I am back at work part-time mornings. I went back yesterday and felt pretty dreadful all morning but today has been better. I am absolutely shattered! The eye is not too bad but I am having to use Celluvisc a lot to stop it from drying out.

I went to the opticians for a check up on my 'good' right eye yesterday and my sight has got worse and the prescription has changed since my last visit. I am going to try a new contact lens which arrives on Saturday and it is hopefully going to help. I had a feeling my sight had got worse and it has gradually been deteriorating over the last couple of years.

Saturday 7 February 2009

Eye still uncomfortable

It is two days since my bandage lens removal and it is still uncomfortable! I think I will see if I can get some celluvisc (lubricating drops) on Monday from my GP. Last night in bed, after a few glasses of vino, I had a thought about how weird it is that I have a second-hand cornea and that it has belonged to someone else before and how amazing really that it can be done. Tim said I was freaking him out so I went to sleep but thinking today it is quite amazing really so I am going to have a small plea to people to sign up to the organ donation register. I have added the link on the right hand side of this page!

Tim thinks he can see the stitches now the lens is out so is going to try and take some photos tomorrow. If they are any good I will post them here.

Thursday 5 February 2009

4 weeks on

Today I have been to see my consultant for my 4 week check up and all is good. I still cant see the Snellen chart unaided but with the pinhole thingy I can see the 4th line which is very good as this is an indication of how well it can be corrected. All my stitches are in tact and the graft is settling well.

I am allowed to start Yoga again but no pilates for another month, and no headstands! I have got a prescription for new drops, maxidex 3 times a day month 1, 2 month 2, and once a day month 3. I do not need to go back for 3 months unless anything is wrong thankfully and then Mr De Cock wants to see about removing the first couple of stitches.

A student had a good look at my eye today and as I was leaving asked my consultant when the bandage lens will be removed. Bandage lens? What bandage lens? Mr De Cock looks confused and double checks my eye. Low and behold there is a bandage lens in my eye that I was completely unaware of that has now been removed today with a pair of tweezers. My eye feels funny now but not painful. Just gritty and, sounds a bit weird, but naked! When I put my drops in now I feel them and they sting more but it is bearable.

I am STILL off work but plan to go back on Wednesday after my Occupational Health assessment on Tuesday. Cant wait!!!